FIA Says no Law Now to Check Cyber Crimes in pakistan

The FIA says there is no law in the country at the moment to check cyber crimes and has thus closed the investigation against the son of PPP Information Secretary Fauzia Wahab, who threatened Editor Investigation The News Ansar Abbasi some months ago in a text message, reported The News.

“The News” disclosed this fact citing a reply made by FIA to the query of Ansar regarding his complaint. The FIA on numerous occasions told Ansar that his complaint was under consideration, but this reply says the relevant law has lapsed so nothing can now be done.

Ansar asked FIA:

“This is with reference to my application dated Dec 18, 2009, regarding threatening SMS that I had received from 0333-2182500. As a consequence of my application, I received an acknowledgement letter No FIA/NR3C/cases/ISB/1327-29 from Shahid Nadeem Baloch, Project Director; however, I am not aware of the follow-up actions.”

According to “The News” FIA’s reply said:

“The contents of complaint prima facie attract the application of the Prevention of Electronic Crime Ordinance. The ordinance has, however, expired in November 2009 and thereafter neither the same has been re-promulgated nor any other law has been passed by Parliament dealing with offences punishable under PECO.

In view of above legal position, the acts of omission/commission mentioned in the complaint do not constitute an offence punishable under any law available on the charter of FIA.

Hence, no action can be initiated on your complaint by NR3C for want of jurisdiction.”

It merits mentioning here that Cyber Crime law was first issued through a presidential order on December 31st, 2009 by former president Musharraf, which was later endorsed by PPP government with little amendments.

Ordinances are supposed to be endorsed or renewed every three months.

Keeping in view the current developments in cyber world, it is extremely important to have a cyber law in the country to execute those threats arising over the internet.

It is un-comprehendible that why Government of Pakistan is ignoring the said law for this long.

An FIA official in a conversation with ProPakistani said that agency has been reminding the concerned departments about the lapse of ordinance, but apparently they are either busy doing other businesses or they are deliberately not paying any attention.

He said that Cyber Crime law is supposed to be defined by Ministry of IT and Telecom, as internet domain is fairly covered by IT Ministry. He further added that it is the need of the hour to get Cyber Crime Law get passed from parliament to make it permanent part of Pakistani law

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